Brgy. Masapang, Victoria, Laguna Officials Take Oath at TGP Partylist Office

In a significant event, the newly elected Barangay officials of Masapang in Victoria, Laguna, gathered at the TGP Party-List Office in the House of Representatives to take their oath of office. The solemn ceremony was administered by Deputy Majority Leader and TGP Party-List Representative, Bong Joson Teves Jr.

The atmosphere was charged with civic responsibility as the local leaders pledged to fulfill their duties and serve the community with dedication. Cong. Bong Joson Teves Jr., in his capacity as the administering official, emphasized the importance of public service and the vital role barangay officials play in grassroots governance.

Witnessing this pivotal moment were esteemed individuals, including Bro. Konsehal Winston Catagayan Despi, a Triskelion member, who served as a witness to the oath-taking. The presence of other Triskelion Brothers further underscored the unity and support within the fraternity for the newly elected officials.

This event serves as a testament to the collaborative spirit between the political leadership and the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity, emphasizing the importance of community involvement and support for effective governance. The Barangay officials of Masapang are now poised to embark on their journey, working hand in hand with the community and upholding the values of service, integrity, and solidarity. ###





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