In a momentous event, TGP Partylist led by Deputy Majority Leader, Congressman Bong Joson Teves Jr. proudly inaugurated its new extension office in Calamba City, Laguna. The ceremony, graced by the esteemed presence of Laguna District 2 Board Member Triskelion Bro. NiƱo Lajara and Laguna District 3 Board Member Karla Monica Adajar-Lajara, marked a significant milestone for the event.
The occasion was honored by the Representative of Calamba Mayor Ross Rizal, reinforcing the collaborative spirit between TGP Partylist and the local government unit.
Triskelion Council Officers from Laguna and District 3 Councils, alongside Calamba Barangay Officials, added to the vibrancy of the celebration.
This new office in Calamba joins the existing TGP Partylist satellite offices in Sta. Cruz and Baybay (Siniloan), Laguna. It stands as a testament to TGP Partylist’s commitment to serving constituents with diligence and proximity.
Let’s continue working together towards a brighter future! ###
San Po b pwede pasa ng medical assistant Calamba po
Need po ng financial assistance para po sa rehabilitation ng tatay ko na nag suffered bg depression
Need po ng financial assistance para po sa rehabilitation ng tatay ko na nag suffered bg depression